
Execution and Review versus Development and Delivery

Stages: Agile Sprint Execution, Review and Deployment Vs. Traditional Development, Testing and Deployment

Agile Portal Project

Traditional ERP Customization Project

Sprints were planned by turning Features into workable user stories

Sprints were reviewed for completeness in small increments prior to deployment





Development was iterative and limited to committed stories with immediate testing

All development was completed during one cycle

Testing was only conducted with end users after all requirements were addressed

The massive nature of the project made it impossible for users to provide concrete acceptance



Testing was linear with users not engaged until all work was completed

While the deployment phases for both the Agile and Traditional projects were similar in nature, frustration communicated by the ERP user community made acceptance and adoption challenging.

The user community did not believe that they had received the majority of deliverables needed and the development team felt that they had been poorly informed.  In contrast, the Agile portal project scrum team and end users were in a constant state of iteration, collaboration and process improvements making the deployment of valuable features an exciting time.

Recommended Further Reading

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