

Acceptance criteria are conditions that the software must meet in order to satisfy and be accepted by the users, customers, and other stakeholders. Each criterion could be functional, non-functional, or performance, and could simply be recorded in a checklist or bullet-ed format.

For example, the following could be acceptance criteria for US-002:

  • There should be a message after the registration field if user has not yet entered any detail. (Functional)
  • The “Submit” button should be disabled while there are still errors. (Functional)
  • Error messages should be in red font. (Non-functional)
  • Form fields, success/error messages, buttons, and links should comply with the Site Design Standards. (Non-functional)
  • The entire page should load in 10 seconds or less. (Performance)

Alternatively, user stories can also have their acceptance criteria in a “Given-When-Then format”, as used in Behaviour-Driven Development:

Given <scenario/precondition>, when <action to be performed>, then <expected result>.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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