Penny Flip game
The aim is to emphasize the value of small batches and process improvement.
Teams of 8-10 gather around a table. Four rounds of play takes about 20-25 minutes.
A roll of pennies is needed (other coins or cards may be substituted).
The game is played in 4 or 5 rounds, and a stopwatch is used to time how long for the first coin to reach the customer. In the first round, a batch size of 20 is used. Each person has to turn over twenty coins, before passing all of them over to the next worker. As well, a manager times each worker with a stopwatch to determine how long it takes them. A little extra twist is added by forcing the workers to use their left hands. In the second round the batch size is reduced to 5 coins and the improvement is readily apparent. The customer receives the coins faster.
This change alone is sufficient to demonstrate the benefit of small batch sizes and why striving for one-piece flow is efficient. In subsequent rounds, more improvements are added. Using both hands, instead of just the left, illustrates a kaizen on the process, a more efficient method. Choosing the high value coins shows the importance of focusing on the value-added work.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: