Planning in Scrum
The shortest planning session, which also has the shortest time horizon, is the daily standup. During this 15-minute meeting, each team member describes what work they plan to complete before the next standup.
This gives a brief idea of how much planning actually takes place in a scrum. What is remarkable is that every member of the team actively participates in adapting and maintaining the plan. There are few traditional projects that have a daily project planning session like the stand-up – the norm will be a weekly meeting. Other flavours of agile also pay a lot of attention to planning as a collaborative effort.
We hope that we have broken the myth about planning in agile. Agile projects are far less chaotic than traditional project managers perceive them to be; in fact, practices such as time-boxing and frequent and early releases give a discipline to many agile projects superior to any traditional project.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: