Team Estimation Game
The Team Estimation Game is the best technique to get a scrum team up with useful estimates. The preparation must be done in advance. The space should accommodate the whole team and everyone should feel included. The whiteboard or something alike is needed to be used to display the cards to the team. The group should get together and run through the following instructions:
Estimating the work required to deliver the set of Story Cards, show and place the prepared story cards in a visible and easily accessible area. Using a round robin approach, each team member takes his/her turn as per the following rules:
The first person takes and reads the top Story Card and then places it on the display area. The second person takes and reads the next Story Card and positions it on the display area in somewhere relative to first card depending upon whether he/she sees it as being more or less complex. The next person takes reads and positions the next Story Card, or moves an existing card, or does nothing. The previous step should be repeated until all the Story Cards have been taken and no-one wishes to move any of the already positioned Story Cards. Now, as it has been established where each Story Card sits in relation to the others, the next and final step is to agree and apply an estimation unit.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: