ESP Game
Index cards and supplies are needed for each team: construction paper, glue, rulers, scissors, markers, magazines for clipping images, iteration status board (whiteboard, wall, etc.)
In teams of four or more, participants must agree on a wish list for what they would like to see in a brochure for their ultimate resort. Using index cards, teams must then write user stories for the brochure. The team elects a Product Owner who must then prioritize each story by placing the cards in order of importance.
Then the teams prepare for 12 minute iteration by selecting which stories they think they can accomplish in the first iteration. For each selected story, the team defines acceptance criteria in order to clarify requirements and to extract tasks. Each task is placed on an iteration status board in the “Scheduled” column and the iteration starts.
Each day of the iteration starts with a Scrum meeting, where the participants move tasks to the “Completed” column and volunteer for tasks by moving them over to the “Active” column. Blocked tasks are moved to the “Blocked” column. After the Scrum meeting, each member should start producing in accordance with the acceptance criteria until the iteration ends. Iteration should end with a demo of the progress. Each team lists what they did well and what should be improved for the next iteration.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: