Buy A Feature
This prioritization method is an innovation game that is played either by single or multiple players. The steps are:
1. A group of features are selected for prioritization and is given to a group of customers.
2. Each customer receives “play money” to spend on desired features.
3. Features are priced based on an agreed upon cost method that is consistent for all customers. The cost method is based on criteria such as complexity, development cost, or effort, etc.
4. Each customer’s play money budget should be in the range of 1/3 to ½ of the total cost for all of features
5. The game can be played either:
- Individually – Customers can use their play money budget to purchase feature with high importance
- Collaboratively – Features that are too costly for individual players use a different pricing scale that requires collaboration and negotiation between customers to purchase features that are valued by multiple game players.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: