
Date Driven Release Planning

In a similar manner, the scrum team velocity may impact the number of user stories that can be delivered within a sprint. Features may be removed or delayed to a future release. The goal of the product owner is to deliver the features that are ready by the required due date. The release will be adjusted to account for missing features. Communications on the impact of features removed will be critical during the execution of sprints.

The product owner is responsible for this level of communications during review sessions and adjustments to the release notes.

Release planning involves a higher level of data for definition of the features to be delivered. Unlike sprint planning, releases are planned at the user story level and laid out over multiple sprints. Release planning also takes into account activities such as regression testing and deployment activities.

Velocity can and generally will impact the features or date delivered. Releases are designed to give the best view of the amount of work to be completed, the features to be delivered and the anticipated dates.

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