
Creating User Stories for Developers

User stories are a core part of Agile software development and involve all of the roles of a Scrum team in some way. Developers have a unique responsibility in creating user stories.

What is a User Story?

A user story is a function or feature of a product. It is the smallest piece of a product that describes a behaviour. They are simple actions that an average user might need to do in order to use the software. User stories are completely functional. They do not explore technical or system requirements or details at all. Every user story is focused on giving the user the ability to do something. How the system accomplishes these tasks is handled after the user stories are finished.

What Does a User Story Include?

Good user stories follow a general format. “As a <user>, I want <goal> so that <reason>.” This format allows the scrum team to create a user story that is neither too general, nor too specific. With simple answers, the format should describe a unique function that deserves its own user story.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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