
Length of Sprint

The length of the sprint should be determined at the beginning of development, and typically needs to remain the constant throughout a project. This enables the Scrum Team to accurately track and analyze the Sprint Velocity in order to determine the development pace.

The key to determining the length of sprints is matching granular control with the size of tasks. Developers are the best role in determining this balance. Most developers have an intuition about how long a request might take. By looking at the description of a feature, and comparing it with related features that are already completed, developers can estimate the size and complexity of the task. They may also decompose the tasks into smaller packets of work to further increase the accuracy of their estimates.

Release Strategies

Once the release plan is created, stakeholders know when to expect the features of a project. However, they must then decide on a release strategy. Different release strategies work for different teams, but there are two main focuses. The scrum team can either go with a functionality driven release strategy, or a date driven strategy.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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