
4. Kano Analysis – This method was developed by Nariaki Kano, and it interestingly classifies PBIs according to how the customers would feel about the features.

  • Exciters/Delighters – Features that are perceived to be of high value to the customer, because they are new, innovative, or addresses urgent requests.
  • Satisfiers – Features that also have value or meet the expectations of the customers.
  • Dissatisfiers – Features that may cause the customers to dislike the product, if not present, but would also have little impact on satisfaction level, if developed.
  • Indifferent – Features that have no impact on the customer.

All of these techniques need to involve the customer and get better understanding of their needs. For testers, this is useful for helping the other developers to understand the priority of features to be developed. Prioritising also helps testers know what areas they should focus on, which bugs should be expedited, and which features to test first and test more. Attacking high-priority items first ensures that the high-value items are also delivered at the right time, making the product more usable and valuable to the users, which, in turn, give more ROI to the organisation.

Recommended Further Reading

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