
The user sample will first need to be established as well as the group conducting the observation. The user sample should align with the established personas and the scrum team should be open to including new personas if warranted. It is important to avoid overwhelming the user during their day to day activities. At least one member of the scrum team with testing responsibility should participate.

Initial knowledge of the role from a briefing by leadership of the user group or documentation is beneficial so the observers have a basic understanding of the operation. Establishing objectives and desired outcome by scrum team members will be used to create an agenda.

Observations will be documented and reviewed at a later time with the scrum team in order to refine user stories based on habits and potential updates to the product.

Testers are integral in the creation and refinement of epics and user stories. The testers will need to understand the details surrounding the personas who are expected to use the product features. User Story refining should align with test case creation in order to support test driven development efforts. Testers are integral participants in the creation and refinement of epics.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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