Continuously Justifying Business Value Within Scrum
When the signatories to the Agile Manifesto gathered in 2001 to define a new way of delivering software products, it was agreed that software should be “valuable” to the customer. Let us consider what would make a product valuable in the eyes of the stakeholder. Firstly, it should meet their expectations, and secondly, and equally as important, it should be a quality product.
If these criteria have been met, and the stakeholders understood the market correctly, the product should generate revenue equal to or surpassing the predicted return on investment (ROI).
While all Agile methodologies are geared towards creating value for the business, Scrum is strongly oriented towards creating business value as early and as often as possible.
This is achieved by having processes that focus on getting deliverables out as soon and often as possible. While the whole team’s energy is focused on delivering value, the Product Owner is ultimately responsible for the project output.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: