Scrum Master
The Scrum Master managed the progress of a project, and ensures that everyone is on pace to finish their own work. Part of this responsibility is making sure that developers leave enough time for testers to adequately test a feature once it is written. If developers write code up to the last day of a sprint, testers might be unable to run through all scenarios and verify that a feature is as bug free as possible. It is the duty of the Scrum Master to determine if a story should split, or if testers or developers should be reallocated from other stories to finish the request in time.
Scrum (Development) Team
The Scrum Team or Development Team is the central entity that produces a working software product. Testers are part of the Scrum Team, so they typically have a very close working relationship with other testers and developers on the team. At the most basic level, testers test what developers code. This dynamic is what drives the entire development process. However, the dynamic between testers and the Scrum Team is much more complex than this simple explanation.
For many teams, testers might have a better working knowledge of how a system works and the intended behavior than developers. Because of this expertise, testers may be able to clear up confusion that developers might have in how a feature integrates with the rest of a product. The testers usually know the intended behavior of a new feature, and understand how it connects with related features. Their test plan may serve as a sort of road map to stories and specifications.
As part of the Scrum Team themselves, testers must interact with other testers. Instead of claiming their own assignments and working on nothing else, testers collectively share the workload of testing a product. Because of this mutual work, it benefits all testers and the entire Scrum Team when testers work most efficiently. When taking ownership of new stories, testers might divide stories based on expertise. If one tester has a reputation as the local expert on a certain component, they might take ownership of testing related stories. This ensures that the story is tested in the most timely manner possible. In some cases, teams must swarm a story. Swarming is the process of having multiple testers work on the same story to more quickly finish it. If some unexpected setback occurs and causes one or more testers to be unavailable, the rest of the team might swarm to ensure that the work is completed.
Recommended Further Reading
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