
Non-Core Roles of a Scrum Project

While non-core roles might not be as directly involved with the Scrum process, they certainly have a bearing on a project, and on testers specifically. Non-core roles include stakeholders, vendors, and the Scrum Guidance Body.


The role of stakeholder consists of anyone who has a stake in the success of a project. This might include customers, employees, board members, or a variety of other groups. As part of the organisation creating a product, testers are also stakeholders.

Testers interact with other stakeholders in ensuring that a product goes to market with as few bugs as possible. A robust product improves customer satisfaction. Higher customer satisfaction results in a more successful organisation. Without testers, products would have more errors and crashes. These problems would reflect badly on the product and organisation, as well as stakeholders by extension. Since testers are responsible for finding and identifying bugs, they are vital in producing a good product that rewards stakeholders.

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