
Execution and Review versus Development and Delivery

Agile feature delivery benefits the customer by delivering the highest priority features first and fastest. The sprint execution and review ceremonies are time boxed activities. Features are scheduled through the sprint planning process and refined for inclusion based on the priority of the backlog. The deliverables are functional features that can be introduced into the production environment. The iterative nature of the Agile values and principles expects that the self-organizing scrum team will be introspective in determining process improvements in delivery. Sprints can be bundled for release into production depending on the needs of the customer.

Traditional projects do not have iterative development, testing or deployment. All features are delivered at once and critical issues are not caught until the full product is in the development or testing cycles.

User testing was not conducted in a collaborative manner for the ERP Traditional project. Only the development team reviewed the delivered requirements via unit testing and as a result the user acceptance testing was delayed by significant rework. The Agile Portal Project reviewed all Features to create workable user stories for each two-week sprint. Committed user stories were turned into workable software during the sprint with continuous developer and user testing as each component was completed.

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