
Initiating the Agile Project

Agile software development projects are fluid and adaptable. As such, there are more variables at play than in traditional software development environments. Getting an Agile project up and going requires several steps for the organization. The most productive Scrum team is one given the tools and preparation for success. Therefore, the goal of each of these introductory steps is to prepare the Scrum team to do their jobs.

What is a “Project Vision?”

The Project Vision is roughly the Agile equivalent of a product contract. In traditional software development, a customer orders software with a rigid contract written before development ever starts. This contract must be kept to the letter, and gives the developers very little room to make design decisions during the creation process

To keep with Agile ideals, a Project Vision comprises only the most barebones and necessary information. Stakeholders express what they want in a software product, and any specific requirements. Beyond the most important details, the Scrum team is given creative liberty with the project. The Project Vision can change over time as stakeholders receive each release. Stakeholders may prefer what the Scrum Team creates, over what they might have written into a contract on their own accord.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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