
Forming the Scrum Team

One of the many benefits of Agile Software Development is its self-organizing Scrum teams. When a team is able to self-organize, members are more productive and work more efficiently toward a common goal. Furthermore, members gravitate toward other members with which they work well. This generates a synergy within the group, and reduces the risk of stress between members.

Different organizations may have different methods of forming a Scrum team. Larger organizations with a plentiful pool of employees can open a request that employees respond to on their own volition. Smaller companies may have less opportunity for variety. In either case, the company must find employees willing to work on the customer’s request.

Developing Epics

An Epic is a large body of work with a concise description. This allows the Scrum Master to prioritize related requests in the Product Backlog. Instead of having a large feature worked on intermittently, an Epic allows sequential Sprints to make progress on the same feature. Some requests are just too large for a single Sprint, but an Epic allows even large requests to be completed in a timely manner.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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