

A Persona is similar to the traditional development practice of unit testing. Each individual Persona is a representation of what a typical user might do in the finished software. Creating Personas allows the Scrum team to see the product from the customer or user’s perspective. By creating personas, members of the Scrum team can step out of their normal role and simply see the software as a user.

The difference between Personas and unit testing is that Personas are less mechanical and more organic. Unit testing takes a single task, and breaks it down into every possible permutation. Everything that unit testing covers exists in a sterile environment. Personas are more like the behaviour of real users. They showcase the software as a genuine user would see it.

To create Personas, the Product Owner works with stakeholders to get a collection of ideas about what users may need to do. Each of these ideas is broken down into concise user stories, that rely on specific product features. Once the list of user requirements is complete, there are enough Personas to fully test the software product.

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