
Creating Tasks from User Stories

When ready, all members would hold up the cards with their estimates written on them, so that they can all see each other’s estimates at the same time. If needed, they will re-discuss and re-estimate. This method is called planning poker, and it is a popular method for story point estimation, as it gives opportunities for teams to collaborate and talk about user stories and tasks.

The Product Owner is there to motivate and support the scrum team, by ensuring that the Product Vision, the Sprint Goal, and the feature requirements are understood by everyone. The Product Owner is helping them do what they need to do to deliver great software on time.

Estimating Agile Tasks

Estimating tasks is a vital part of Agile projects. This is because before the team can plan and commit their work, they first need to know what their capacity is and how much work they can take on. Estimation is not part of the responsibility of a Product Owner, however, estimating tasks and tracking the tasks against estimates inform them better on how they can plan and strategize on the next steps for product development.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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