
Estimating the User Stories

When the user stories have met the team’s Definition of Ready or have been approved by the Product Owner, they still need to be estimated before the team commits to actually working on them. Agile estimation techniques are designed to be quickly done and avert from accuracy on purpose. This is because estimates are simply estimates, and are just guides to know how user stories compare to one another in terms of relative complexity.

The typical process of estimating user stories during a meeting would be as follows:

● Listing the user stories in scope
● Picking a user story to discuss on
● Clarifying user story and its acceptance criteria
● Estimating and voting on the user story size
● Re-defining, negotiating and re-voting on the user story, as needed
● Agreeing and finalizing the user story size

Unless the Product Owner will also be taking part in development activities, they are only going to be there to clarify on the user story and not to participate in actually estimating it.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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