
Breaking Down and Refining User Stories

One way to know if a user story is good is if it meets the INVEST criteria:

● “I” is for independent. The user story can stand on its own, without covering functions of a feature that should be in a different user story.
● “N” is for negotiable. The user story invites negotiations and conversations.

● “V” is for valuable. Completing this user story will bring discernible value to the customers.
● “E” is for estimable. The user story is clear enough to be sized and estimated.
● “S” is for small. The user story is small enough to be included in the Sprint.
● “T” is for testable. The user story is understandable enough to generate acceptance criteria.

If a user story fails to meet any of the INVEST criteria, the Product Owner and the team will need to collaborate on it and further refine, clarify, and negotiate on the requirement until it passes the criteria.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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