Agile Project Portfolios
Agile portfolios are based on the development of flexible themes across a defined timeline. These themes meet the iterative and adaptive model of Agile where any products requiring delivery in a program may need to be adopted or even abandoned for features from other scrums in the program that show higher promise.
Agile project portfolios are based on a collection of backlogs, epics, and stories that are managed as multiple scrums depending on the priority and feature focus area of each project. Traditional portfolios are managed from the top-down whereas Agile portfolios use a build-measure-learn of the individual scrum teams at a larger level.
There are 2 types of Agile portfolios:
- There are multiple themes that are part of a larger organizational backlog.
- It is an Agile program with multiple products delivered to meet one theme in the larger organizational portfolio.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: