
Developer Responsibility

So what part do developers have in the sprint review meeting? It would make sense for developers’ work to be done before the sprint review. New development is done, and features have been tested if they are to be shown at the meeting. The sprint review meeting is just demonstrating what the scrum team accomplished. The developer role offers value to the sprint review meeting, most notably, developers have the expertise to answer technical questions. They know what goes on under the surface with a product. If stakeholders have questions that other roles cannot answer, developers should know the details.

Along with explaining details, developers can assuage concerns. If stakeholders are worried about vulnerabilities, developers can explain what security measure is in place to prevent them. If concerns are impossible or unlikely to happen, developers can elaborate on why. On the occasion that stakeholders do bring up valid concerns, developers have the opportunity to explain how it will be addressed moving forward.

Developer Benefit

The biggest benefit that developers stand to gain from the sprint review meeting is first-hand exposure to stakeholders. This is especially true with accepting or rejecting deliverables. One of the biggest problems with traditional development is how feedback gets filtered through different people. Customers respond to marketing employees, who send this information down the pipe to developers. By the time developers hear the information, it may have lost the majority of its original meaning. This watered down summary is rarely helpful to developers. How can they make productive changes when they don’t really know what the customers wanted?

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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