The Sprint Review marks the end of a Sprint. During the sprint review the Scrum Team and the stakeholders review the progress made within the sprint. This is the time for everyone to see the hard work done by the scrum team as well as to collaborate on making the product better. This meeting is an inspect-and-adapt process for the product increment, and outputs from this meeting are considered for inclusion within Product Backlog.
Defining what “Done” is for the team
The Sprint Review is for showing what was “Done” during the Sprint. It is imperative for the Scrum Team to understand what “Done” means to them. The Definition of Done (DoD) lets the team focus on the standards to be met when working on features. Some examples of what can be included in the DoD would be:
- Code is peer-reviewed
- Documentation is updated
- Critical bugs and issues are fixed
- Error-free build
- Feature is tested on priority browsers and devices
- Configuration and build changes are documented
- QA is performed and completed
- Acceptance criteria are met
- Product Owner has given their sign-off
Acceptance criteria is a very important aspect of each user story. It details the minimum requirements to be met and is what the Product Owner looks for before accepting the deliverables as done. Acceptance criteria also helps the testers write their testing notes for the user stories, which developers can use for building and testing their code.
Coming up with the Definition of Done is a collaborative effort within the scrum team. Testers can contribute to this by suggesting the testing practices that should be done by everyone in the team.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: