The Scalability of Scrum
On reading the literature about Scrum, one would think that all that is needed is between 7 to 10 people to produce amazing development results in a timeframe that is beyond legendary. While this may be true for a small development producing a simple product, most IT assets require more hearts and minds to deliver the finished and viable product.
While the inputs, processes and outputs apply to large projects just as they do for a small project, there are some additional roles, processes, artefacts and meetings that are recommended for projects with many scrum teams.
The Scrum of Scrums
The collective noun for scrums is “scrum”, which leads to the phrase “Scrum of Scrums”. This can be applied to a project with 3 or 4 scrum teams working to deliver the required product. It can also be applied when looking at scrum teams through the lens of the program manager. If a further level is required, for instance, for the needs of the portfolio manager, this is known as the “Scrum of scrums of scrums”. Unfortunately, coining names for a bunch of scrums is one thing, aligning the teams and the work they do is quite another.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: