Scrum teams should consist of between three to nine members. If the team size does not meet the minimum of three, there may not be enough people to do cover the work needed in a given Sprint. If the team size goes beyond the maximum of nine, then it will be more challenging to effectively self-organize and stay within prescribed time boxes for Sprint ceremonies, such as the 15-minute Daily Scrum.
A study conducted on a group of 500 developers, where the typical development team size was 15 team members found that teams that split into subgroups of seven or less members were hyper-productive, while poorer performing teams consisted of 15 members. “Any team over 7 in size should be split up into multiple SCRUMs.”
When a large team is split up into several Scrum teams, this can be managed with the Scrum of Scrums.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: