Who is Responsible?
In short, the entire Scrum team is responsible for creating user stories. However, there is more nuance to this process. For many teams, it is best to allow one specific person to take charge in writing user stories. This responsibility often falls to the product owner, since he or she takes a more administrative role on an Agile team, and more directly works with stakeholders.
Even if the product owner is the role who actually writes the user stories, they require the expertise and feedback of other roles on the team.
The product owner usually does not understand all pieces of software development. Roles like developers and analysts must share their knowledge to create the best user stories. Developers, in particular, understand what goes on behind the user interface. They know what features take more effort to create, and which require less.
What sounds quick and easy to other roles may be a red flag to developers and could be more difficult and complex. By getting opinions from all roles on the team, the person in charge of writing user stories can give accurate story points to user stories and break up larger stories as necessary.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: