Who is Responsible?
For many teams, the best way to come up with user stories is to host a meeting to share information. Agile already promotes face to face communication, and a meeting with all members of a Scrum team allows everyone to voice their perspective. Instead of trailing out emails and memos over days and weeks, this allows the team to create user stories in a few hours or less.
Even if a face to face meeting is impossible, there are other ways to get feedback from developers and other roles.
Before a Scrum team begins working on a feature, they must write the user stories for a feature. No one role on the team knows all of the details to write an informed user story.
Even if one person leads the process, everyone on the team is valuable to the process, developers especially. By writing user stories that contain all of the necessary parts, and describe unique behaviors, the Scrum team can work against user stories that give value to the development process.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: