
Pre-Project: selecting the Scrum Team

Add to this the responsibility for delivery of a successful product, and it is clear that this is not a role one takes on lightly. The Product Owner, once appointed, also plays a part in selecting the project Scrum Master, who assists in selecting the development team.

During the Project: Stakeholders as Storytellers

Most Scrum descriptions focus on the writing of epics (high-level overviews of requirements) and user stories (atomic requirements that are developed as discrete deliverables), little is mentioned about the role of the stakeholders in story development. They are the storytellers, explaining what is required and what would be a successful outcome.

The ability of a stakeholder to explain clearly and concisely what is required should not be underestimated. There are situations where the Product Owner plays a major role, sometimes acting as a proxy for the actual stakeholders, but it is advisable to engage as many stakeholders as possible in composing user stories, as it gives them a vested interest in the project.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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