
Consider the barriers that might affect your team.

Barriers can affect teams of any kind, whether they’re using Scrum or not. When you’re creating your communication plan, think about the barriers that are common and unique to your team. Address those openly with the team and commit to work together to ensure that when they occur they are tackled as a team. Some barriers to consider are:

Remote Teams

Remote teams can be particularly difficult to manage because communication is harder and very critical. In an in-person meeting, you can typically tell who is engaged and seems to be taking in the information and who isn’t. To be successful as a remote team, trust and solid communication are the two most important needs.

International Teams

When working across an international team, it’s critical to be mindful of time zones and what works for the team. If you’re planning a mid-afternoon work meeting in New York, that’s not going to work for a “9 to 5” team in India. Know your team, their schedules, and what time zone they’re in so you can make sure your meetings are productive and well attended.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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