3. Team members are showing up late to the stand-up or are missing it altogether.
When one person doesn’t show up, it affects the whole team’s progress so it’s up to the entire team to ensure all team members are present and on time. The Scrum Master should make sure that the team understands the purpose of the meeting to keep it running smoothly and efficiently. By recognizing that this is not a status meeting to a manager but rather an update to the team, the meeting focuses on the right thing, making sure the team is working together to complete the sprint. This meeting helps you stay agile, stay updated, and stay focused on the sprint as a team.
The Daily Stand-Up for Developers
The daily stand-up meeting is one of the most iconic parts of Agile software development. Of all the changes from traditional development, the stand-up meeting is one of the most obvious. Few people will deny the benefits of the stand-up meeting. It is absolutely worth the time investment for the effects that it yields. The stand-up meeting keeps the entire scrum team informed, and makes certain that problems are handled quickly. Of all the roles on the Scrum team, this helps software developers in particular.
The recurring theme of stand-up meetings is communication. Every part of the stand-up, from the input and output, to the tools and who participates in the meeting, are geared toward open communication. Agile software development attempts to reduce unnecessary documentation, but it is important for all parties involved to know what is going on. Of all roles and jobs, developers need constant communication. Without current information, developers can waste effort by working on the same task, or let issues slow progress over time.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: