Daily stand-up meetings can take place in almost any project, regardless of framework, but for Scrum, it is one of the mandatory ceremonies to be part of. Also known as the Daily Scrum, this meeting has a prescribed time-box of 15 minutes, and is for the developers to collaborate and discuss on their progress by answering variations of the following questions:
- What did I complete yesterday?
- What will I complete today?
- What’s blocking my work?
The Scrum Master makes sure that the daily stand-up takes place, while the Product Owner is there to observe. If the customers want to attend this meeting, they may do so but at most, they can also just observe.
What the daily stand-up is for?
The daily stand-up is not a place where team members simply give updates to the project manager or the Scrum Master and Product Owner. It is a place where they realign on how they are meeting the Sprint goals. An important part of daily stand-ups is when the developers collaborate on the impediments of each member. While the brevity of the meeting won’t leave any room for problem-solving, being able to inform everyone of the help needed gives a sense of purpose and urgency for the team.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: