Why is this meeting important to the process?
This meeting is key to the scrum process because it provides a daily source of feedback to the Scrum Team. They can use this feedback to immediately adapt to change, making the process more efficient. Through daily updates, the team can quickly identify impediments and take action to correct them before they begin to negatively impact the success of the project.
Why is this meeting important to the process?
In theory, what a daily scrum should look like seems inspiring and productive, in practice, it can be challenging so let’s break down some of those common challenges.
1. You have a stakeholder who regularly comes and wants to talk and give updates at the daily scrum.
This meeting is for “scrum team members only”. Stakeholders may be involved in the project but are not committed to the work and should not speak at the daily scrum. If they want to come and hear what the team is up to that day, that is fine but they should not be speaking at this meeting. If this becomes a problem, the Scrum Master should handle this impediment. Remind the person what the purpose of the meeting is and encourage them to work more closely with the Product Owner (the voice of the customer) to disseminate updates.
2. Team members are rambling during their time to speak.
This one is harder, but the Scrum Master will develop a sense for when things are going on for too long. The Scrum Master can take discussions offline and gently remind team members that this is not a status update but rather a time to quickly commit to the work you are doing. The team doesn’t need to know the details of how you accomplished your task yesterday, he just needs to know it got done.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: