
Creating the Project Deliverables

Project deliverables are the smallest unit of output created in the Agile Software Development world. However, what exactly does “project deliverable” refer to? And what is the developer’s role in the process of creating these product deliverables?

What is a Project Deliverable?

In software application development, a project deliverable is a working piece of software that an organization gives to stakeholders. Exactly what this looks like depends on the organization and the project. For some products, a single project deliverable may be perfectly usable on its own. Products that are larger, with more individual parts and pieces, may not see as much value in a single product deliverable. However, any project deliverable is operational on its own. Unless a piece of software can function on its own, or with what has already been produced, it cannot be classified as a project deliverable.

Many project deliverables may be improved with future deliverables, but they must be able to at least function alone. A single deliverable does not have to satisfy all needs of stakeholders. The point of the product backlog is to get the most valuable pieces to stakeholders first, but some functionality remains to be created in future sprints. When stakeholders receive a project deliverable, they should be able to use it as it is.

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