
What Goes into Creating Project Deliverables?

After all, tasks are created, the team completes these tasks. Developers write code for a project deliverable to the best of their ability. When the programming tasks are finished, testers verify that the software works according to specifications. Once the software is created and tested, it is packaged up and given to the stakeholders.

The “deliverable” portion of a product deliverable is getting a piece of software into the hands of stakeholders. Modern software development offers a variety of ways to deliver software products. Traditional methods such as disk-based media still work in many cases.

If stakeholders have the appropriate drives and don’t mind waiting for physical mail, the Scrum team can send out a disc at the end of a sprint with all of the most recent product deliverables. Many organizations are turning to downloads for product deliverable access. Stakeholders can be authorized for access to a certain download URL, or even receive product deliverables directly via email.

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