For a user story to be independent, it must address a specific action and contain all parts to fulfill that action. If a user story contains only a small portion of a process, it may depend on other actions to accomplish that goal. In that case, the user story is not independent. Alternatively, a user story may contain numerous actions that could each be an individual user story. These multiple actions should be split out into their own respective user stories.
A good judge of independence for a user story is to examine what a product will look like when that user story is finished. If that feature needs more work before it improves the value of the product, the user story may need more content to be independent. When the user story is finished, if the product has working new functionality, that user story likely satisfies the independence criteria.
A user story is negotiable if nuance and detail are left to the team to figure out. A good user story only hits the highlights, including the most valuable and critical details of a feature. Since most of the details about a feature are up for debate, the team can discuss the best way to implement the feature. During the development process, details about the user story should fall into place, while the team satisfies the criteria that are explicitly stated in the user story.
Recommended Further Reading
The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course: