
Usability Testing

It is possible to use the Sprint Review meeting for a usability testing session. The controlled environment of usability testing can miss some other factors in validating the Sprint. Getting a closer view of how users would actually use the product would be in a production environment.

Releasing the Product

Actually releasing the product to a selection of individuals can further help bring out the feedback needed for validating the Sprint. Since the product is in its target environment, the team can use analytics and get feedback on the usage of the product. Again, the team won’t be able to explain the product to the users, who will have to figure out the end-to-end process of the system, from downloading and installing, to getting the end result of the product.

Using this method to validate the product can take time. The team will need to reach a certain number of users and a certain amount of feedback before drawing up conclusions as to what’s working and what can be improved. However, the input taken from releasing the product is valuable because feedback can be received in real-time.

Recommended Further Reading

The following materials may assist you in order to get the most out of this course:

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