
Increased Profitability

As teams work faster and work together better, the quality of the work output also improves. This creates a positive impact in customer experience, resulting in stronger business ties and customer loyalty. And as work times and lead times are shorter, deployments can be made sooner and more often than before, even allowing for product development and product improvements. An organisation can expect a return of investment with a quicker turnaround time, and increased profitability from waste reduction and the increase in quality and value in products that end users are willing to pay for.

Better Tools and Systems

Automation is the heart of DevOps, which improves the flow and pace of standardised systems that guide teams throughout working on a project. Automation reduces the amount of time spent in doing work or completing a step, say for example testing during the build, and yields more accurate results due to reduced manual work which is prone to error and inaccuracy. All these contributing factors enable the dev team to perform their tasks more efficiently and effectively, throughout the course of their work, resulting to a more rigidly-tested and flawless product that the end users can directly benefit from. DevOps prepares an organisation to become more agile and build scalable products that can easily be upgraded and integrated with newer features and functionalities, based on the needs of their customers and the emerging trends in the digital market.

The Netflix Success

Netflix is perhaps the best of the DevOps practising digital giants to fit the bill of a poster company for a DevOps success story. Not only are they big on utilising modern tools and technology to deliver their products and services to their customers, they’re equally constantly keeping their teams aware of the potential issues that they might encounter as a digital service provider and continuously develop solutions to avert these technical issues. As they simulate these technical challenges, they are able to develop preventive measures as well as appropriate solutions to avoid experiencing downtime caused by these failures. Since moving their services to the cloud and moved towards a more reliable horizontally-scalable systems, they never looked back. And in the last couple of years, they’re customers have increased and have been able to use their services continuously and without streaming interruptions. These efforts are all part of their DevOps transformation as well as improving product development methodologies that empower their developers to create better solutions for any potential issues that may arise in the future, and improve their ability to correctly direct resources to development projects based on its urgency and importance in maintaining their systems downtime free.

And whether you’re a small business, a startup, or a well-established enterprise, DevOps methodologies can help transform your business into a more productive, income generating, and profit earning centre that’s beneficial to the business, its employees, and its customers. There is no need for a drastic change; start where it is most needed, and allow the positive effect to ripple across the entire organisation through consistently practising and applying the methods and approaches that support a positive work culture, the DevOps way.

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